The press has already reported extensively about us. Especially in the period after the landmark ruling of the European Court of Justice in 2012, trade in second-hand software was a major topic in the media landscape. At that time, it was decided that used software may be resold – regardless of how it was acquired. This was a breakthrough, because since then, software licences that have been put on the market exclusively by download may also be traded without the manufacturer’s consent. And of course we, as software dealers, also had something to say about it. Our managing director, Stefan Tauchhammer, was interviewed several times about this and we do not want to withhold this information from our customers.
On the following page we have summarised the mentions in the press. To read more about it, click on one of the links and you will be redirected to the corresponding page.
Media coverage of Software ReUse
“Rules of conduct when buying used software” – Computerwelt
“Software licences: Sometimes you are allowed to split” – Die Presse
“Knowledge gaps in software use” – Die Presse
“Software ReUse trades with used software” – karriere.diepresse.com
Trade with second-hand software is growing strongly – Kurier
“Trade with second-hand software on the upswing” – www.futurezone.at
“Trade in licences” – Medianet
“Software licences from the second-hand market” – Medianet
“Second-hand software as an IT solution” – www.vienna.at
“Relieving the IT budget – second-hand software is booming in Austria” – Output
“Interview with Stefan Tauchhammer, founder of Software ReUse” – whatchado
Second-hand software is becoming more and more popular – Format
First dealer with second-hand software – Medianet
“First second-hand software dealer in Austria” – www.austria.com
“Gewinn young entrepreneur competition, awarding place 40 to Software ReUse” – Gewinn
“Interview with Stefan Tauchhammer, founder of Software ReUse” – Computerwelt